Tentang Kami

Sedia berkhidmat.

Note from our Managing Partner.

Dear Clients,

Warmest greeting from H&Co.,

We believe that opportunity to serve client is a revered trust that can only be given once, and good reputation is our most precious asset that us as a firm possess. Hence, I always say this to our legal team at H&Co. :

"Our reputation is our hard-earned treasure while trust from client is somewhat Devine. Maintaining those two means that we will take every case from every client with great care and conducting them with absolute dedication. When we these two in our mind and in our act, all we need then is just that one opportunity from the client to prove ourselves."

So here we are, ready to serve and set to prove ourselves.
Pelanggan yang dihormati,

Salam mesra daripada H&Co.,

Kami percaya bahawa peluang untuk berkhidmat kepada pelanggan adalah amanah yang mulia yang hanya boleh diberikan sekali, dan reputasi yang baik adalah harta yang paling berharga yang boleh kami miliki sebagai sebuah firma. Oleh itu, saya sentiasa katakan ini kepada pasukan guaman kami di H&Co. :

"Reputasi kita adalah khazanah paling mahal yang kita telah usahakan manakala kepercayaan daripada pelanggan adalah amanah yang suci. Cara menjaga kedua-duanya adalah dengan mengendalikan setiap kes daripada setiap pelanggan dengan cermat dan menyempurnakannya dengan penuh dedikasi. Terapkan prinsip ini di dalam hati dan tindak tanduk kita, seterusnya yang kita perlukan hanyalah peluang dan kepercayaan daripada pelanggan untuk buktikan kemampuan kita."

Sekarang, kami bersedia untuk memberi khidmat dan membuktikan kemampuan kami.
At your service,
Abdul Halem Mohamad Husin
Managing Partner, H&Co.

Core Values

We Are Passionate

We put our heart into every craft. While skill, talent, and knowledge are important for producing good results, passion is the energy that fuels extraordinary performance.

We Are Responsive

We care about our client and we cherish healthy communication. Thus getting back to our clients
promptly is one way we demonstrate our sensitivity to their issues and how much we care about them.

We Are Passionate

We are proud of our profession and we are honouring it by being trustworthy and at all time maintaining integrity. We are proud of our firm and that pushes us to perfect our craft yet still humble at the same time, willing to listen to others and admit that there is always room for improvement

We Seek Excellence

We always strive to be the second best to none. Improving our service continuously and stress on the importance of quality and productivity. We believe as the saying goes “Pursue excellence, success will follow”.

We Are Passionate

We put our heart into every craft. While skill, talent, and knowledge are important for producing good results, passion is the energy that fuels extraordinary performance.
Tentang H&CO.

Tetuan Halem & Co. (H&Co.) ialah sebuah firma guaman yang telah bertapak lama di Shah Alam, Selangor serta memiliki pengalaman hampir 20 tahun dalam amalan guaman. Dengan barisan peguam berpengalaman serta kakitangan terlatih, H&Co. sentiasa menekankan kualiti kerja dan amalan berintegriti dalam perkhidmatan kami kepada masyarakat.

Amalan Guaman

1. Pengurusan Harta Pusaka.
2. Perancangan Perwarisan.
3. Jualbeli Hartanah.
4. Hakmilikan Harta.
5. Saman Sivil.
6. Perbicaraan Jenayah.
7. Perjanjian Perniagaan.

Hubungi Kami

No. 25-2F (Tingkat 2),
Jalan setia Perdana BC
Setia Alam, 40170 Shah Alam
Selangor, Malaysia.

Pejabat: +6 03-588 00 488
Hotline: +6 012-202 6656
Emel: admin@halem.com.my/
Website: https://halem.com.my/

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